Palmerston Atoll is beautiful: the population is usually about 70 residents, but there is a larger diaspora spread around the world.

Marsters extended family from Rotorua about to visit Palmerston;
some for the first time (Photo at Tiare Village, Rarotonga).
Below: Palmerston main street

Palmerston is unusual, perhaps unique, as it was populated by an Englishman 'William Marsters' and his three wives from Tongareva.
The atoll has been given to his descendants in perpetuity.

Marsters extended family from Rotorua about to visit Palmerston;
some for the first time (Photo at Tiare Village, Rarotonga).
Below: Palmerston main street
Palmerston is unusual, perhaps unique, as it was populated by an Englishman 'William Marsters' and his three wives from Tongareva.
The atoll has been given to his descendants in perpetuity.

We found 185 nests, but some were from previous years. We excavated
99 nests that had already hatched ~ success rate was 95%
We also noted the presence of other wildlife during our surveys